Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein: Is COVID-19 the largest blunder in human history?
Zero is a special number in the narrative of control because if even one newspaper, social media company (Twitter) or university is dedicated to the job of reporting the truth, it wouldn't work. The result would be 'every other institution would have to change their policy to compete... Even one exception is enough to break this pattern.'
The significance of the video interview and Dr. Mercola article below is that Bret Weinstein is a prominent, “politically liberal, progressive, left-libertarian” who we disagree with on many things. And yet, he is here expressing honest views on COVID contrary to most others in his category of influential personalities.
This is more evidence of an awakening happening in the left, realizing that they, too, are all in danger from the globalist-created and controlled COVID scheme.
Weinstein still has much to learn, as LifeSiteNews readers will likely realize. His statement that COVID-19 is “the largest blunder in human history” is naive, but we should give him credit for coming as far as he has and enduring severe criticisms from fellow liberals and the media establishment.
As we have written very early on in the pandemic, much of this has been no “blunder” at all; it was all pre-planned and intended.
The globalist schemers, including Anthony Fauci and Klaus Schwab, have given no indication that they care about the millions who have died or been maimed from the deliberate suppression of readily available, effective COVID preventatives and treatments, and to a much larger degree from the deadly COVID shots.
Weinstein’s comments under the heading “Zero is a special number” are especially illuminating. Few on the left have been as explicit. Kudos to him for recognizing and admitting how extreme the censorship has been – and why.
We can all now quote Bret Weinstein to liberal and conservative doubters who still just can’t bear to face the truth.
Bret has a long way yet to go to understand the full depth of evil related to all things COVID and its role in world depopulation and total control of all humans. Still, this is welcome progress.
He is ahead of most religious leaders who even now have their heads in the sand despite the accumulated, massive, irrefutable evidence that has been made public. They can’t bring themselves to admit how very wrong and irresponsible they have been.
Strange, isn’t it, how so many who we least expected, or even ever knew, are heroically telling the truth about Covid while almost all who we would have expected to lead the resistance have been betraying us?
Read the full article at the link below.
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