What Do We Do about Colleges That Embrace ‘Diversity’ Rather Than Truth?
I like this article from National Review because it hints at something that I have been arguing with my wife about a lot. I am becoming more convinced each day that we don't actually need our kids to go to college anymore. There are TONS of online courses that they can take. I can hop on LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, Masterclass, Udemy, etc, etc, and learn just about any useful / marketable skill that I need. Gone are the days when people needed to travel to a college campus to have information imparted to them from experts in the field. I can do that during my lunch break these days.
I'm trying to convince my wife that the benefit of having a college degree does not outweigh the cost of my sons potentially being converted to communists, especially in light of the plethora of education and training resources that exist online today. You may or may not know this, but I do all my own graphic design for my original articles. I did not go to graphic design school. I'm not the best graphic designer, but I can make a graphic that's good enough for government work. 😆
The point is, I taught myself how to use Adobe Photoshop in my spare time during my lunch breaks. I've done more than 40 hours worth of online graphic design training. All you have to be is motivated in order to learn how to do something these days. You don't need some socialist college professor to teach you. You can teach yourself.
I think that Conservatives should champion self learning. We could make a huge push toward eliminating student debt in conservative youth by showing them that these overpriced colleges truly are not worth the cost of admission. Anything worthwhile that they could learn at these institutions could be learned online just as easily...
Anyway, check out the article from National Review:
Colleges (and once-scholarly organizations) that have thrown their lot in with the woke crusade are a rapidly growing problem. Professors are now expected to advance “antiracism” instead of speaking and seeking truth as they find it.
In the Washington Examiner, Rick Hess of AEI has a great article about this.
He observes that colleges are now demanding the equivalent of loyalty oaths that leftists used to indignantly denounce. Today, what is required is a loyalty oath to a set of “progressive” notions. Moreover, there are plenty of academics who think this is just fine. They’ve been raised with the belief that education is supposed to be “transformative,” turning students into true believers in leftist socio-economic goals.
What is to be done? Hess has a number of sharp ideas:
If the powers that be in higher education are increasingly disinclined to hold up their end of that bargain, taxpayers and policymakers should respond appropriately. Colleges that choose to abandon their unique mission in service of ideological agendas should be treated accordingly. They should be stripped of public largesse and rendered ineligible for taxpayer-provided student loans. Their privileged tax status and regulatory privileges should be reexamined. Public institutions should be subjected to rigorous oversight. Officials should bar academics from using public funds to pay dues, fees, or travel expenses to “scholarly” associations that have abandoned their scholarly purpose. And policymakers and thought leaders should seek ways to create new institutions and associations that are committed to free inquiry, truth-seeking, and the robust exchange of ideas.
I like it. The Left has taken over education in the U.S. and unabashedly uses it to indoctrinate students. We are in a terrible fix because so many people have been taught to believe in the mega-state that is necessary for the leftist agenda. We must push back.