Of Course Our Government Is Protecting These Butchers
Interesting article from The American Conservative about how the government is protecting those pushing for genital mutilation and working with #BigTech to punish anyone who argues against it.
But given that we are dealing with an institution (the DOJ) captured by the ideological left, which believes, as was taught by Cher, that "words are like weapons," then we have every reason to be concerned that the State is going to go after people for speaking truths it finds ideologically inconvenient. What do they mean by "hate crimes"? Do they mean that the power of the US Government will be used to silence those who speak out about the despicable evil that Boston Children's, and other hospitals around the country, are doing to children and minors?
What we're seeing is that when activists like Chris Rufo, Matt Walsh, Libs of TikTok, Billboard Chris, and others simply point out what these hospitals are doing, usually using promotional materials and documents produced by these very people, the hospitals and their defenders go berserk. They are eager to promote these wicked practices, but when ordinary people see them and are rightly disgusted by them, these progressive institutions lose their minds.
If you call it "gender affirmation surgery," you're golden. If you call it sexually mutilating children, well, you are a thought criminal. Look:
You should know that these hospitals and their allies in the media (see here) often lie about what they do to keep the public from being alarmed about these grotesque, Mengele-esque abuses:
Readers, you need to understand that this stuff is happening everywhere, and that medical, media, and perhaps even governmental institutions don't want you to know about it -- unless, of course, you draw the ideologically correct conclusions.
Do you know that in some states, the law grants minors the right to have sexual reassignment treatment without their parents' consent? Abigail Shrier wrote last summer about it. Excerpt:
Taken individually, no single law in any state completely strips parents’ rights over the care and mental health treatment of their troubled minor teens. But pieced together, laws in California, Oregon, and Washington place troubled minor teens as young as 13 in the driver’s seat when it comes to their own mental health care—including “gender affirming” care—and renders parents powerless to stop them.
Here, for instance, are the powers granted to a 13-year-old child by the state of Washington. Minors age 13 and up are entitled to admit themselves for inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment without parental consent. Health insurers are forbidden from disclosing to the insured parents’ sensitive medical information of minor children—such as that regarding “gender dysphoria [and] gender affirming care.” Minors aged 13 to 18 can withhold mental health records from parents for “sensitive” conditions, which include both “gender dysphoria” and “gender-affirming care.” Insurers in Washington must cover a wide array of “gender-affirming treatments” from tracheal shaves to double mastectomies.
Put these together, and a seventh grader could be entitled to embark on “gender affirming care”—which may include anything from a provider using the child’s name and pronouns to the kid preparing to receive a course of hormones—without her parents’ permission, against her parents’ wishes, covered by her parents’ insurance, and with the parents kept in the dark by insurance companies and medical providers.
Lest you wonder whether there is some madcap elixir polluting the groundwater of Washington State alone, in 2015, Oregon passed a law permitting minors 15 and older to obtain puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries at taxpayers’ expense—all without parental consent. In 2018, California passed a similar bill for all children in foster care, age 12 and up. The California state senate is now considering an amendment to the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act that would bar health insurers from disclosing medical information to parents about their dependents, on pain of criminal liability.
Read the full article at the link below.
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