The American Conservative's conference censored by YouTube and Eventbrite
I'm sure we all know the drill by now. If you get caught having the wrong opinions or speaking unapproved words, you and your events get cancelled. This time around it's The American Conservative's annual Crony Capitalism conference. Apparently it's OK for the CDC to backtrack on it's COVID guidance, but it's not OK for you to point out how wrong they were to begin with.
Check out this snippet from The American Conservative. The link is at the bottom:
After more than two years of lockdowns, mandates, and draconian restrictions, the Centers for Disease Control last week finally relaxed its Covid-19 guidance. The CDC no longer requires individuals to quarantine after being exposed to the virus, and its “recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status.” The move comes after countless Americans lost their livelihoods for refusing to get the jab.
While businesses are open again and masks are (largely) gone, the effects of the past two-plus years linger in the collective psyche. And why wouldn’t they? You can’t shut down an entire society, praise rioters and condemn churchgoers, and expect everything to snap back to normal. Indeed, it's tough to remember just how different things were in the Before Times of 2019. Back then, you could listen to Lady Antebellum on your way to a Washington Redskins game. The NCAA national champion in women’s swimming was a woman. Mostly peaceful protests weren’t fiery.
We at TAC recently got our taste of this post-2020 “new normal.” A few weeks ago, we hosted our sixth annual Crony Capitalism conference. The previous five went off without a hitch. In past years, we’ve partnered with friends from across the broad right-of-center space to highlight government-business collusion in the tax code, Big Tech, the defense industry, and more.
This year, after more than two years of unprecedented restrictions on our civil liberties under the guise of Covid, we felt it was time to assess how we got here. The power centers in our society—government, media, tech—wielded complete control of both the Covid and vaccine narratives. Even in the aftermath of 9/11, when many at this magazine were maligned for questioning our utopian wars and the encroachment on civil liberties at home, the establishment was less able to enforce its orthodoxy than it is now on Covid vaccines. No matter one’s views on the jab, this coordinated display of power is concerning.
We gathered a panel of medical experts to present another point of view on the vaccines: Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, and Dr. Peter McCollough. Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, a leader in the fight for a “second opinion” on Covid, gave the event’s opening remarks and moderated the panel.
I urge you all, no matter your views on the vaccine, to watch the discussion—especially because you can no longer find it on YouTube.
Just four days after the event, YouTube became the second Big Tech company to censor our event (the ticketing platform Eventbrite had already removed our event listing):
If the stakes weren’t so high—we are, after all, talking about an issue of life and death—the YouTube statement might be amusing: YouTube is refusing to allow experts, including the man who literally invented mRNA vaccines, to question “expert” consensus.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, this year’s Crony Capitalism conference was by far the most well-received. We had an enthusiastic, standing-room-only crowd in person in Washington. We had over 5,000 views on YouTube before the video was pulled. There is a growing sense that something is amiss with the Covid-jab regime.
Read the full article at the link below.
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