"Carbon Wallets" Are A Ridiculous Green Energy Shell Game
This is so stupid! This lady wants everyone to have a "carbon wallet" that determines how much carbon-based energy they have a right to. Apparently people with more money can purchase carbon credits from people with less money. The example given in this article is that a person who has enough money to go on a flight can purchase carbon credits from someone who does not have enough money to go on a flight.
Now, let's apply some logic to this scenario. The wealthy person wants to fly, but doesn't have the carbon credits to do so. So the wealthy person wants to buy the credits from the poor person. However, the poor person was not able to afford to fly in the first place. So, the poor person would never have spent the carbon credits, which according to liberals would have been better for the environment. However, thanks to the fact that this "carbon wallet" and carbon credit purchase concept is being used, the wealthy person gets to do exactly what they were planning on doing anyway, and the poor person who would not have used the carbon credits to burn fossil fuel is now having those carbon credits used on his / her behalf. Basically burning the poor person's fossil fuel by proxy...
This is the dumbest shell game I have ever seen and these liberals are completely bought into it. They think they are actually accomplishing something for the environment...
Check out this snippet from ReclaimTheNet. The link to the full article is at the bottom:
A senior executive at the multinational banking and financial services company Rabobank has called for personalized carbon wallets that give individual citizens “emission rights” and allow wealthier citizens to buy emission rights from those who can’t afford to fly.
Barbara Baarsma, who is the CEO of Rabo Carbon Bank, a division of Rabobank that allows its customers to buy and sell CO2 credits, announced her proposal for personalized carbon wallets during an appearance on the Dutch radio station BNR Newsradio.
“What if we now have all the remaining rights we still have when it comes to the emission of CO2 equivalents, greenhouse gases?” Baarsma said. “If we just let everyone start the Netherlands distributing emission rights and that every household or every citizen and amount get emission rights until we have money.”
Baarsma continued by proposing that these emission rights could be managed via a personalized “carbon wallet” and noted that wealthier citizens who want to fly can buy emissions rights from citizens that don’t have the money to fly.
She added that these personalized carbon wallets represented an opportunity for those who can’t afford to fly to get “a little more money” and outlined other ways wealthier people could continue living elaborate lifestyles by buying carbon credits from citizens with less money.
Read the full article at the link below.
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